Education, Aqidah Akhlak, Al GhazaliAbstract
According to al-Ghazali, moral education includes the way of life and the results of his thoughts on moral education. It is more than just skills, actions, and knowledge. It is, after all, an attempt to get along with a state of the soul that is ready to do something, and is consistent so that the action taken from it becomes a habit of daily life and is not temporary. Today there are many challenges that can cause a decline in the morals of a Muslim. Therefore, a Muslim is required to understand and practice the essence of moral education in accordance with Islamic education. Qualitative methods were chosen in the form of research process and library research. Education and morals are closely related because the most perfect person is also the most moral person. Al-Ghazali said that morality is not the knowledge of right and wrong, or the experience of right and wrong, but the state of a healthy soul and faith in Allah SWT. Moral education is achieved through emulating the attitudes and behavior of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Moral learning begins in several stages. Purification of the soul to avoid dishonorable actions, self-enlightenment through noble deeds, and the result of imitated morals. Practicing good deeds is the most basic way to achieve praiseworthy morals.
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