(Studi Kasus Di MI Nadlatul Ulama Sumokali)
Independent Learning, Scout Activities, Elementary School, Elementary School, Scout Activities, Independent LearningAbstract
The implementation of habituation of self-reliance character education for students can be done by participating in scouting extracurricular activities. Scouting is an interesting and fun educational process for children and youth under the guidance and responsibility of adults. Scout education activities are carried out in non-formal and informal environments. This study aims to determine the character of independence through scouting activities in class IV MI Nadlatul Ulama Sumokali. This type of research is a qualitative approach with a case study design. The data collection methods used in this research are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis is done by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Resulting in the conclusion of the application of the character of Independence carried out by class IV students of MI Nadlatul Ulama Sumokali in scouting activities through two main activities namely first, routine training activities through several rigging skills, marching skills, Semaphore and Morse skills , and Pioneering Agility, Second , activities Camps that are carried out independently or collectively, such as the Persemi camp (Saturday and Sunday camps) and collective camps conducted by the sub-district and district kwarda.
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