Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): GREENOMIKA

Greenomika Volume 5. No. 1 2023 contains a collection of selected articles from the results of research and study of literature which is relevant to marketing management, accounting, financial management, and human resources management.
Greenomika Journal is published 2 (two) times a year, in June and December. Greenomika has been indexed by: Sinta, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), ROAD, Google Scholar, Garuda (Gerba Rujukan Digital), Bielefeld Academic Seach Engine (BASE), Neliti.
P-ISSN: 2657-0114 | E-ISSN: 2657-0122 | DOI: 10.55732/unu.gnk
The Influence of Financial Literacy, Use of Social Media, and Social Demographic Factors on Consumptive Behavior
Abstract views: 107,
Downloaded: 78 pdf
Consumer’s Online to Impulse Buying : Consumer Traits and Situational Factors
Abstract views: 152,
Downloaded: 291 pdf
Social Media, Learning Media, and the Internet on Accounting Student's Interest in Learning During a Pandemic
Abstract views: 28,
Downloaded: 38 pdf
Workload Influence on Employee Performance of Aria Villas Seminyak with Work Stress as a Variable Intervening
Abstract views: 64,
Downloaded: 160 pdf
Factors Affecting Performance Employees: Motivation, Leadership, Environment Work, Organizational Culture, and Achievement Work
Abstract views: 106,
Downloaded: 855 pdf
Marketing Communication in Increasing Sales in Media Ilmu Publishers of Sidoarjo
Abstract views: 45,
Downloaded: 51 pdf
Organizational Justice to Employee Innovative Work Behavior: Mediation Effect of Learning Capacity and Moderation Effect of Blue Ocean Leadership
Abstract views: 169,
Downloaded: 146 pdf
Inventory Information System Design Analysis (Case Study at CV. Mysneaker Retail Indo)
Abstract views: 77,
Downloaded: 195 pdf