Protege Management Influence; Ki Protege Management Influence Analysis Based on Urgency of Birth Certificates and Family Cards
Manajemen Peserta Didik; Taman Kanak-Kanak; AnalisisAbstract
The implementation of protege management is the beginning of creating sustainable synergy, one of which is in PPDB activities, which are required to attach a Birth Certificates and Family Cards as requirements. In order to understand the implementation and influence between the two, this research was conducted. The approach used is a mixed exploratory sequential research method. The qualitative data analysis used Miles and Huberman's version, while the quantitative data analysis used the IF function as well as the simple linear regression analysis of Fancis Galtom. The results of this study indicate: 1) activities carried out include administration, assessment, reporting, basic considerations, universal supervision through PPDB activities as well as document utilization to obtain funding allocation assistance from the government, the interest of student growth analysis, school promotion, data collection center, creation and issuance of STTB/SKTB as alumni archives, as well as efforts to realize the Administration Awareness Indonesian Movement Program; and 2) the implementation of protege management in Kindergarten North Putussibau Sub-district, on Kapuas Hulu, still has constraints on the controlling function by 5%, and the percentage of influence between the implementation of student management on the urgency of Birth Certificates and Family Cards is 22,4%. With the obtained significance value of 0,006 <0,05 and the tcount value of 2,944> 2,086 ttable value. So it can be concluded that the protege management variable (X) affects the urgency variable of Birth Certificates and Family Cards (Y).