Author Guidelines
Details and Guidelines to Keep in Mind for Your Manuscript Submission
This section asks authors to check their submission for compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors who do not comply with these guidelines. Submission has not been previously published, nor has it been before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to Editors). Systematics in writing this reebat journal consists of Title, Author Name, Email Address, Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and Bibliography. The title consists of a maximum of 12 words in Indonesian or 10 words in English, with a font size of 14 pts.The focus of this journal is all about early childhood education, development and upbringing in Islam, effective institutional management and Arts and Culture.Different subtitles are written in different font styles and don't use numbers in the headings. Articles should be sent to the editor of PIAUD Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo, Indonesia or must have been received by the editor no later than two months before the deadline (February and July). Approved or rejected articles will be notified or via email within 30 days of receipt of the article by the editor. Unpublished articles will not be returned, except at the request of the author who attaches a reply stamp.
Online submission steps. There are five steps in the online submission process in this journal: Step 1 - Begin Submission: Select an appropriate journal section, Original Research Article, Review Article, or Short Communication. Thus, the author must put a tick in the submission checklist. Step 2 - Upload Submission: Click Browse on the Upload submission file item and select the manuscript document file to send, then click the Upload button. Please ensure that the script file has been uploaded. Step 3 - Entering Submission Metadata: Author metadata details must be entered including the corresponding author tagged. After that, the manuscript title and abstract must be uploaded by copying the text and pasting it in the text box including the keywords. Step 4 - Uploading Additional Files: Additional files must be uploaded including Cover Letter/Submission, and Signed Copyright Transfer Agreement Form. Therefore, click the Browse button, select a file, then click the Upload button. Step 5 - Confirming Submission: Authors should check the manuscript documents uploaded in this step. To submit a manuscript to Reebat Journal, click the Finish Submission button after the document is correct. The appropriate author or primary contact will receive an acknowledgment via email and will be able to view the progress of the submission through the editorial process by logging on to the journal's web site address.