Efektifitas Tanaman Mangrove Rhyzopora Mucronata dan Bakteri dalam Menurunkan Kadar Salinitas Air Payau
Bacillus mycoides , Biodesalinasi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Rhyzopora mucronata, Teknik LingkunganAbstract
Peningkatan tinggi permukaan laut dapat mengakibatkan intrusi air laut yang berpotensi mencemari kualitas air tanahPencemaran air tanah yang disebutkan terjadi melalui merembesnya air laut yang mengandung kadar klorida (Cl), yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada ekuifer air tawar. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah pemanfaatan teknologi biodesalinasi sebagai teknologi yang meyediakan air tawar yang dibantu oleh tanaman mangrove Rhyzopora mucronata dan bakteri (Bacillus mycoides dan Pseudomunas aeruginosa). Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode eksperimental. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 reaktor, P0 reaktor kontrol, Reaktor P1 diberi tanaman mangrove (Rhyzopora mucronata) Reaktor P2 diberi tanaman mangrove (Rhyzopora mucronata) dan bakteri (Bacillus mycoides dan Pseudomunas aeroginosa). Reaktor P3 ditambahkan bakteri (Bacillus mycoides dan Pseudomunas aeroginosa). Volume air payau yang digunakan pada tiap reaktor adalah 13 L dan penambahan bakteri 300 ml, pengambilan sampel sebanyak 5 ml dengan 3 kali pengulangan. Hasil analisi setiap reaktor mengalami penurunan. Nilai efesiensi terbesar pada reaktor P2 sebesar 26% dan nilai efektifitas terbesar pada reaktor P2 sebesar 17,81 ⁰/₀₀. Reaktor terbaik dalam menurunkan kadar salinitas air payau adalah reaktor P2.
An increase in sea level height can result in seawater intrusion, which has the potential to pollute groundwater quality. The mentioned groundwater pollution occurs through seepage of seawater containing high levels of chloride (Cl), which can cause damage to freshwater aquifers. This research aims to utilize desalination technology as a technology that provides fresh water assisted by the mangrove plant Rhyzopora mucronata and bacteria (Bacillus mycoides and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). This research was conducted using experimental methods. This research used four reactors: P0 was the control reactor, Reactor P1 was given mangrove plants (Rhyzopora mucronata), Reactor P2 was given mangrove plants (Rhyzopora mucronata) and bacteria (Bacillus mycoides and Pseudomunas aeroginosa). The P3 reactor added bacteria (Bacillus mycoides and Pseudomunas aeroginosa). The volume of brackish water used in each reactor was 13 L, and 300 ml of bacteria were added, 5 ml of samples were taken with three repetitions. The analysis results for each reactor decreased. The most significant efficiency value in the P2 reactor was 26%, and the most considerable effectiveness value in the P2 reactor was 17.81 ⁰/₀₀. The best reactor for reducing the salinity levels of salty water is the P2 reactor.
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