Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): GREENOMIKA

Greenomika Volume 5. No. 2 2023 contains a collection of selected articles from research and literature studies relevant to marketing management, accounting, financial management and human resource management. This issue contains articles from Author's Country: Indonesia and Thailand.
Greenomika Journal is published 2 (two) times a year, in June and December. Greenomika has been indexed by: Sinta, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), ROAD, Google Scholar, Garuda (Gerba Rujukan Digital), Bielefeld Academic Seach Engine (BASE), Neliti.
P-ISSN: 2657-0114 | E-ISSN: 2657-0122 | DOI: 10.55732/unu.gnk
Factors Affecting Online Purchase Intention on Social Media Users During the Pandemic in Jakarta
Abstract views: 112,
Downloaded: 68 pdf
The Influencer of Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Risk, and Locus of Control on the Financial Behavior of Fintech Lending Users
Abstract views: 189,
Downloaded: 227 pdf
Literature Review: The Effect of Wages on Performance of Shopping Center Employees in Surabaya
Abstract views: 71,
Downloaded: 298 pdf
The Influence of Free Trial Experience and Aesthetic Design on Buying Interest Genshin Impact Game Products
Abstract views: 162,
Downloaded: 166 pdf
The Effect of E-service quality and Brand image on Interests in Reusing Bibit Application
Abstract views: 89,
Downloaded: 65 pdf
Community Economic Empowerment Through Asset Based Commonity Devolopment Method (Study of the Role of Fatayat NU in Bawean Island, Gresik)
Abstract views: 183,
Downloaded: 82 pdf
The Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies Through Social Media (Study on Ayam Koplo by Hangry Indonesia)
Abstract views: 211,
Downloaded: 865 pdf
The Effect of Profitability, Size, Sales Growth, Asset Structur and Liquidity on Capital Structure
Abstract views: 98,
Downloaded: 78 pdf
The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support, Employee Enggagement and Work Motivation on Employee Performance
Abstract views: 247,
Downloaded: 173 pdf
Optimizing Portfolio Performance at PT. IAI Financial
Abstract views: 62,
Downloaded: 76 pdf