Principal Leadership, Development of Islam CultureAbstract
Principal Leadership in Developing a Culture of Islam (Case Study In MtsN 4 Kabupaten Mojokerto was describing is that the community (residents) Schools are not the teachings and religious values are maximum in everyday life. Life in the school environment has not given the life style in accordance with Islamic teachings, tried to escort the Principal and urge all citizens have agreed to create a culture of Islam in the schools and trying to do as much as possible. The civilizing greetings for residents / Community Schools (b) Activities not maximumcongregational Salat is (C) Dressing with Muslims is not in line with expectations. (D) Less realized the meaning of living a healthy and clean environment (e) Cultural Shadaqoh can not be applied optimally (f) Cultural Dhuha prayer performed maximal (g) Not all students can read Al-Qur'an, whether or mujawwad murottal. (H) pray before and after the lesson has not been maximally implemented. (I) Lack of awareness of citizens on the Implementation IMTAQ together. (J) The number of students who do not obey school rules and regulations. (k) Valuing and respecting other people still need to be improved.
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