Membangun Branding dan Digitalisasi Marketing Rumah Rajut di Sidokare Kecamatan Sidoarjo Kabupaten Sidoarjo
Membangun Branding dan Digitalisasi Marketing Rumah Rajut
knitting shoes, online marketing, umkmAbstract
. Knitting house owners are small business actors who produce a variety of knitted
products, such as knitting shoes, bags, clothes, accessories and accessories, and knitting
Home Décor. Yuni Suwanti Asih's dedication and persistence in making knitted products
made her team a partner in PKMS activities. Some aspects of the problems that get priority
for partners are aspects of production, human resource competence, and aspects of product
marketing. Marketing utilizes social media to introduce products and actively participates
in exhibitions held by the regional government of Sidoarjo Regency. Partner activities are
carried out in a room that is attached to their place of residence and assisted by 4 employees
who are residents around their production site. Partner turnover ranges from 2-2.5 million
every month. The approach offered is training and workshops to increase the ability and
quality of online marketing human resources, repair/engineering production equipment, and
procurement of production equipment. Assistance is carried out to evaluate this activity.
Production time in fulfilling consumer orders and effectiveness in carrying out broader
designs and marketing is the expected output target. Partners can save costs by 25% from
usual production and production time efficiency of 20% from the usual time. Production
costs can also be cut by 15% and production time can also be reduced by up to 20%.
Keywords: knitting shoes, online marketing, umkm