Journal of Science and Social Development 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Khilyatul Afkar Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Science and Social Development diterbitkan pada tahun 2018 berisi kumpulan artikel terseleksi dari hasil pengabdian kepada masyarkaat (penmas) yang terkait dengan berbagai bidang Lembaga Penelitian Non-Departemen (LPND), atau lembaga lain yang memiliki aktivitas dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarkaat (penmas), ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. <strong> Journal of Science and Social Development terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun, pada bulan Juni dan Desember</strong>. <strong>E-ISSN: 2620-3200<br /><a title="Garuda Kemdikbudristek" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda Kemdikbudristek</a><br /><br /></strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Upaya Penguatan Eksistensi Depo Pemasaran Ikan Sidoarjo melalui Branding dan Promosi 2024-12-18T20:51:31+07:00 Fasa Sandria Zahra Shabira Listin Fitrianah Muhammad Abidil Khasan Taufiq Aditya Nugraha Surya Adi Putra Nida Aulina Elma Aprilia Tristanti <p>Many people in Sidoarjo do not know about the Sidoarjo Fish Marketing Depot. People better know the fish marketing depot from outside the Sidoarjo area.This service aims to strengthen the existence of the Sidoarjo Fish Marketing Depot, especially for the people of the Sidoarjo area itself through digital branding. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach. The profile video is 7 minutes long, displaying various information about the Fish Market Depot which is then shared on social media YouTube, and Instagram. By making this profile video, it is hoped that it can provide information to the general public, especially the people of Sidoarjo.</p> 2024-12-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Social Development Inovasi Produksi, Diversifikasi Inovasi Produk, dan Digital Marketing Kelompok UMKM Tempe di Desa Sepande Kecamatan Candi Kabupaten Sidoarjo 2024-12-18T23:12:34+07:00 Muhammad Fathulloh Dandi Ari Setiarno Adam Rifqi Arinal Haq Bagas Kurniawan Muhammad Hilmidias Ardiansyah Panji Permadani Rizky Kurnia Setyawan Mochammad Teguh Irwansyah Nashorudin Latif Annisa Lailatul Rahmadini Ibrahim Fatwa Ringga Bagaskara Putra Mochammad Rendy Agus Setiawan Ardika Budi Prakoso Untung Usada <p><em>Sepande Village is one of the villages located in Sidoarjo Regency Candi District which has more potential in the field of MSME making tempeh. The lack of variations of products and marketing that is still simple is an obstacle for MSMEs to improve the economy. Developing product variations and digital marketing management for MSME actors is needed. Therefore, through the program of increasing the capacity of Ormawa, the villagers of Sepande can utilize the potential of products and digital marketing to create businesses that benefit the residents of Sepande Village. The activities carried out with partners are developing production innovations by making production tools (mixing), developing products to create new product variants, and making digital marketing applications to increase the marketing potential of MSMEs in Sepande Village</em></p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Social Development Edukasi Produk Jajanan yang Dapat Merusak Gigi pada Anak Usia Sekolah di SD Islam Kreatif The Naff Kediri 2024-12-20T09:08:04+07:00 Prima Agusti Lukis Hariyani Faizatul Fitria Mara Gustina Fawait Afnani <p>Consumption of sugary, acidic, and refined carbohydrate-rich foods and drinks is a major cause of tooth decay, increasing dental caries among children. This community service program aims to raise awareness, especially among school-aged kids, about the dangers of such snacks. Through an educational approach, leaflets about harmful snacks like candy, soda, and other sugary treats were distributed. Pre- and post-intervention questionnaires measured participants' understanding. Initially, most children were unaware of the dental health risks of sugary snacks. After the intervention, knowledge about toothdecay-causing snacks increased by 95%, alongside a better grasp of healthy habits to maintain dental health. Early education on proper food choices and dental care can reduce dental caries prevalence among children. This program successfully boosted dental health awareness in the elementary school environment.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Social Development EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN ROBOTIKA TERSTRUKTUR BERBASIS ELEKTRONIKA PRAKTIS UNTUK SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR 2024-12-21T19:11:45+07:00 agung yon Mochamad Sidqon Anton Breva Yunanda Geri kusnanto Istantyo Yuwono <p><strong>Abstract. </strong>This study evaluates the effectiveness of a robotics learning approach starting with practical electronics, analog robot design, and basic mechanics in enhancing elementary school students' interest in learning. The research also explores how students’ economic backgrounds influence their enthusiasm for robotics education. The subjects were 25 fifth-grade students from SDN Margorejo 1 Surabaya, selected based on specific criteria, including middle-income family backgrounds.</p> <p>The quasi-experimental research design included pre-test and post-test stages. Activities comprised four phases: introduction to practical electronics, simple analog robot design, basic robotics mechanics training, and robot integration and testing. Data were collected through questionnaires, observations, interviews, and project assessments. Descriptive analysis and non-parametric statistical tests measured changes in students’ interest, while qualitative methods examined economic factors affecting enthusiasm.</p> <p>Results revealed a 23% average increase in students’ interest in robotics. Additionally, 88% of students successfully built simple robots demonstrating creativity and functionality. Students from middle-income families maintained high enthusiasm, showing that economic constraints did not significantly hinder participation.</p> <p>This integrated approach effectively fosters technological interest, aligns with STEM concepts, and prepares students for technology-driven challenges. The study contributes practically and theoretically to robotics learning models for elementary education.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Robotics, Practical Electronics, Learning Interest, Elementary School, Middle-Income Economy, STEM</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Social Development Edukasi Kebersihan Lingkungan Pesantren Al-Kholil, Jetis, Sidoarjo dengan Menerapkan Gerakan 3M (Menguras, Menutup, dan Mengubur) Guna Memberantas Jentik Nyamuk Penyebab DBD 2024-12-24T15:44:10+07:00 Ahmad Musonnifin Aziz Aris Kuswanto <p>Lack of environmental cleanliness is one of the factors that can cause the growth of mosquito larvae. Therefore, educational efforts are needed about efforts to maintain environmental cleanliness as a solution to eradicate mosquito larvae. The purpose of this education is for students to know how to maintain environmental cleanliness and efforts to prevent the growth of mosquito larvae. This education is carried out through 4 stages, namely: 1) Introduction and Pretest 2) Material Explanation 3) Posttest and 4) Mutual Cooperation with the 3M movement (Draining, Covering, and Burying). The results of the education provided showed that 86,36% of students really <br />understood the solution to eradicating mosquito larvae</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Social Development