Instructions for Authors

Journal of research and technology is published by Nahdlatul Ulama University of Sidoarjo two times a year in Juni and Desember. In order to support the subsequent publication, editors accept articles containing research results of in the field of engineering or related engineering science.

Received manuscripts have never been published and use academic language style and effective. The manuscript consists of:

  1. The title of manuscript up to 15 words, written in Indonesian.
  2. Author is written under the title without any academic degree or position. Institution is listed under the author.
  3. Abstract written in Indonesian and English of no more than 150 words and 2-6 keywords. Abstracts should contain important information about the background and research objectives, methodology and research conclusion.
  4. The manuscripts of research results contain: title, author name, abstract, introduction, research methods, results and discussion, conclusion and bibliography.
  5. Conceptual manuscripts contain of: title, author name, abstract, introduction, analysis, conclusions and bibliography.
  6. Tables must be numbered as in order of presentation, title of the table is positioned above of the table as exemplified below. Pictures are numbered as in order of presentation, including title of the picture placed below the image with center position.
  7. Discussion contains the description of research results, how research conducted to solve the problem, impact factors of the research and supported references.
  8. Bibliography is written according to the writing guidelines as an example of bibliography writing included below.


Examples of bibliography writing:

Australia. (1978). National Energy Advisory Committee. Electric Vehicle. Canberra: A.G.P.S.

Bereday, G., Brickman, W., dan Gerald, R. (1960). The Changing Soviet School. Boston: Houghton Mufflin.

Bereday, G., W. Brickman, dan Gerald Read. (1982). The Education of the Citizen in Industrial Society. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference on Education, Sydney.

Day, R., dan Underwood, J. A. (1993). Analisa Kimia Kuantitatif, edisi keempat. (Translated by A.H. Pujatmaka) Jakarta: Erlangga.

FabiaƄski, R., Firlej, L., Zahab, A., dan Kuchta, B. (2002). Relationships between crystallinity, oxygen diffusion and electrical conductivity of evaporated C 70 thin films. Solid state sciences, 4(8): 1009-1015.

Hidayat, M.T. (2007). Simulasi Proses Pengeringan Ammonium Sulfat dalam Rotary Dryer. Thesis S2, Jurusan Teknik Kimia ITS, Surabaya.

Kittler, R. International Daylight Monitoring Programme. (16 June 2008).

Miller, Arthur. (1963). The Playwright and the Atomic World. In Theatre in the Twentieth Century. Ed. Robert Corrigan. New York: Grove.


The manuscript is written not exceed 15 pages of A4 size paper including tables and figures and obey the writing guidelines. The entire manuscript uses Times New Roman fonts with single spacing. Manuscripts should be left-right. The page size is A4 (210 mm x 297 mm). Page margins, left: 3 cm, right: 2 cm, top 2.5 cm, bottom: 2.5 cm. The column width is 7.5 cm and gutter width (distance between columns) is 1 cm.

Editors reserve the right to fix script writing without changing the contents of the manuscript. All data, opinion or statement contained in the manuscript is the responsibility of the author. Manuscripts are not in accordance with the editor guidelines will be returned.