Media Pembelajaran Multisensoris Mengunakan Flashcards Berbasis Augmented Reality untuk Anak Disleksia
Augmented Reality, Flashcards, Dyslexia, Multisensory Learning MediaAbstract
Dyslexic children have difficulty recognizing letters with similar shapes such as b and d, w and m, n and u, p and q as a result they often misspell words and have poor reading and writing skills. Multisensory learning is an effective method of learning to read in dyslexic children. The traditional teaching methodology in schools today combines many students in one class, making it quite difficult for a teacher to apply remedial and multisensory methods to dyslexic students so that multimedia applications have an important role in the learning activities of dyslexic students. In this study the researcher tried to develop learning media using the Luther method, intended for Indonesian dyslexic children in which to optimize multisensory methods using augmented reality-based flashcards. Learning media has passed product testing and testing by experts. The test results showed that the flashcards have been designed have a marker rating of 3-5 (scale 1-5). The higher the rating, the faster the accuracy and speed of the flashcard scanning process. The test data showed that flashcards with a rating of 4-5 require a scan time of less than one second, while flashcards with a rating of 3 required a scan time of 1-2 seconds. Overall, the learning media developed can function properly, and are useful for supporting multisensory learning in dyslexic children.