Membran Polieugenol Tersulfonasi (PET) Sebagai Potensi Sel Bahan Bakar Metanol Langsung
Polieugenol Sulfonated (PET), Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC), Proton Conductivity, Methanol Permeability, Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM)Abstract
Nafion is a type of perfluorosulfonic acid membranes, are widely used in fuel cell technology and exhibit several disadvantages such as expensive, have a limited working temperature range and high methanol crossover. This study aims to produce an electrolyte new polymer membrane from polyeugenol sulfonated (PET) and a review of the membrane properties was carried out on the basis of Water Contact Angle (°), Water Uptake (%), Methanol Uptake (%), Swelling ratio (%), IEC (ion exchange capacity). Analysis of DMFC membrane performance has an optimal proton conductivity of 0.0009 and methanol permeability of 23.5.10-7 cm2.s-1 with a PET composition of 27% (w/w).