Ijtihad, Solution, Islamic Law,Abstract
Ijtihad is a form of reference to find laws that do not exist today with the backing of the Quran and Hadith. Ijtihad will petrify today's scholars to help determine legal law that has not existed before., therefore Ijtihad becomes one of the references or backings in helping to determine the law by Most scholars'. Through Ijtihad ulama' it is easier to determine a new thing and there is no law yet . In terms of ijtihad is an attempt to explore a law that already existed in the time of the Prophet Muhammad Saw. Until in its development, ijtihad was carried out by friends, tabi'in and later times until now. Although at a certain period what we know as the taklid period, ijtihad is not allowed, but at a certain period anyway (revival or renewal), ijtihad begins to reopen.
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