Learning Models, Functions and Types of Learning ModelsAbstract
Social studies is one of the subjects that seeks to equip students with insight and skills to be able to adapt and socialize and adjust to developments in the global era. To realize the objectives of social studies learning, especially for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in the lower grades, it is necessary to develop a conducive and exciting learning model for students to be enthusiastic in following the social studies learning process. This research is descriptive analysis, where the author regularly describes the material and provides explanations that make it easier for readers to understand it. The approach used is qualitative-rationalistic which leads to rational philosophy. The results of this study are a) examples non examples learning model, namely a learning program that in the process uses image instruments to present material. b) picture and picture learning model, namely using image media as its main media. Students will be presented with images related to learning. c) make a match learning model is a group learning model that invites students to understand concepts through playing partner cards.
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