Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Designing a Community Logo "Creative Eyewear" as an Effort to Increase Brand Awareness
- Abstract views: 177, Downloaded: 164 372 - 381 (Bahasa Indonesia)
The Closed Resistance Of Javanese Women Against Patriarchy Culture in The Visual and Other Film Component of Kartini (2017)
- Abstract views: 235, Downloaded: 109 382 - 397 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Designing a Mascot as a Visual Identity for the Fan Vet Petcare Gresik Clinic
- Abstract views: 191, Downloaded: 227 398 - 410 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Redesign of the Multifunctional Vest of the Municipal Police Force (Satpol PP)
- Abstract views: 195, Downloaded: 87 411 - 423 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Ilmu Komputer
Development of Interactive Multimedia for Nusa Penida Tourism Objects Using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) Method
- Abstract views: 1647, Downloaded: 115 436 - 450 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Implementation of YOLOV5 and Tesseract OCR Methods to Detect Vehicle License Plates
- Abstract views: 204, Downloaded: 360 424 - 435 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Method Evaluation on Vehicle Type Classification
- Abstract views: 156, Downloaded: 261 451 - 465 (Bahasa Indonesia)