Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Designing Character Designs for Illustrated Books About Toxic People
Abstract views: 134,
Downloaded: 131 263 - 274 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Website Prototype Design as Information Media For Firdaus Amany Psychological Center
Abstract views: 66,
Downloaded: 54 307 - 321 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Visual Study of the Yogyakarta Keraton Emblem
Abstract views: 92,
Downloaded: 53 333 - 345 (Bahasa Indonesia)
The Role of Visual Elements as a Marketing Communication Strategy in Product Packaging
Abstract views: 293,
Downloaded: 280 322 - 332 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Design Of Kilos Clothes Shuttle Facilities (Case Study Rumah Cuci Surabaya)
Abstract views: 95,
Downloaded: 50 357 - 371 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Ilmu Komputer
Classification of Volcano Eruption Status using Template Matching Analysis and the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm
Abstract views: 136,
Downloaded: 108 275 - 289 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Application of the Design Thinking Method in Designing Gallon Ordering Applications
Abstract views: 125,
Downloaded: 146 291 - 306 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Design of a Mobile Secure Lab Application in the Telecommunications Laboratory Room at the Jakarta State Polytechnic
Abstract views: 69,
Downloaded: 33 346 - 356 (Bahasa Indonesia)