Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design
Ilmu Komputer
Smart Home Design Simulation Using Wemos D1 R2 ESP8266 Based on Internet Of Things
Abstract views: 67,
Downloaded: 57 1 - 9 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Immersive Learning by Implementing Augmented Reality: Now and The Future
Abstract views: 130,
Downloaded: 99 22 - 28
S&N Farm Visual Branding through Logo Design
Abstract views: 46,
Downloaded: 32 60 - 68 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Animated Video of Atlantis Land Story to Increase The Appeal of Atlantis Land Diorama
Abstract views: 64,
Downloaded: 37 10 - 21 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Visual Biography Book of Kasidah Modern Group Nasida Ria
Abstract views: 81,
Downloaded: 75 29 - 39 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Charles Sanders Peirce's Semiotics Analysis on the Meaning of Tourism Logo of Sukabumi Regency
Abstract views: 503,
Downloaded: 619 40 - 49 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Redesign of Environmental Graphic Design Pari Temple Sign System
Abstract views: 33,
Downloaded: 63 50 - 59 (Bahasa Indonesia)