Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Desain Komunikasi Visual (JIKDISKOMVIS)
Interactive Illustration Book of Bojonegoro's Thengul Dance as An Introduction To Children
- Abstract views: 163, Downloaded: 125 55 - 67 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Ilmu Komputer
Classification and Sentiment Analysis of the Facility and Service Questionnaire for Qomaruddin University Gresik
- Abstract views: 64, Downloaded: 46 68 - 76 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Implementation of the COVID-19 (Real Time) Telegram Bot Channel in West Kalimantan by Utilizing API
- Abstract views: 15, Downloaded: 34 77 - 84 (Bahasa Indonesia)
UI and UX Design on Android Applications Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- Abstract views: 61, Downloaded: 61 85 - 93 (Bahasa Indonesia)
Implementation of Fuzzy Logic in Student Satisfaction Analysis of Administrative Services of STMIK AKBA Makassar
- Abstract views: 11, Downloaded: 17 94 - 104 (Bahasa Indonesia)