gamification, student engagement, teacher candidates, online learningAbstract
The urgency of achieving massive ICT-oriented blended learning is applied due to the emergence of the Covid-19 outbreak. The Minister of Education and Culture instruction concerning online learning and working from home to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This study investigates factors impact on learning difficulties of EFL learners in using MOOCs, and how the utilization of MOOCs by EFL learners coincide with the expectation of National Higher Education Standards. This study employs a case study qualitative research in collecting, analyzing and integrating the result. The subjects included 80 students who took English course in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education during the 2020-2021 academic year. There were two kinds of data source in this study. The first data is the outcomes of learning process from English course that was obtained from MOOC-based learning management system. The second data was the quality of additional application blend with learning management system using Quizizz to indicate a gap or distance between the expected students’ academic achievement. Data collected through participant observation, questionnaire and documentation. This study further our understanding of how the learning process should develop the social interaction includes an exchange of knowledge, discussions, and problem solving.
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