
  • Achmad Wahyudi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo


Education, principal strategies, teacher performance


This writing uses a qualitative method, to explore in-depth as well as find factual narratives regarding various strategies of principals in improving teacher performance because teachers are the center of learning if quality teachers are ensured that schools will be advanced and quality graduates. The leadership role of the principal in an effort to improve teacher performance includes: a) educator, b) manager, c) administrator, d) supervisor, e) leader, f) creator of work climate and g) as an entrepreneur which in practice is carried out by instilling a cooperative attitude (cooperative), consultative, collegial (not hierarchical), and encourages the involvement of all teachers in every activity that supports school programs. While efforts to improve teacher performance, the principal has done the following: a) Fostering teacher discipline, b) Providing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, c) Giving rewards, and d) Giving good perceptions. And to solve these problems, the Principal takes the following tips: a) To overcome the existence of teachers who are still in concurrent positions, the principal continues to strive to improve communication, coordination, and control of subordinates and select new teachers by requesting their ability to teach in one institution, b) To overcome the large number of teachers who are less competent, the principal continues to encourage teachers to continue their studies at a higher level, or take part in training, workshops, seminars, and others, c) In overcoming the accumulated burden teaching duties, then the principal determines the standardization of the teacher's workload.

Author Biography

Achmad Wahyudi, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo

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