IMPLEMENTASI NILAI AKIDAH DI JENJANG MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH: (Pengejawantahan Kitab Aqidatul Awwam di MI Nidhomiyah Kwadungan Kediri)


  • Nurul Ahsin IAIN Kediri
  • Riski Nafisa IAIN Kediri




Changes and the appearance of moral deviations are a big problem in the present era. Because basically the first thing is related to a person is related to aqidah and its application into an act / morals. In this case, it is necessary to have education that supports the aqidah itself. The focus of this research is 1) How is the implementation of the study program of Tawheed Akidatul Awwam in planting students' Aqeedah values ​​in Mi Nidhomiyah Kwadungan Kediri? 2) Are there any obstacles in the implementation of the study program of the tauhid aqidatul awwam book study in cultivating the aqidah value of students at Mi Nidhomiyah Kwadungan Kediri?
The approach in this study uses a qualitative approach. While the type of research used by researchers is descriptive research. Researchers take a data by observation at the research location directly, interview and by means of documentation. The data obtained by the researcher is analysis by processing the data that has been processed and also checking the data sources which will later get the data as valid data.
The research results obtained by researchers after going through various stages in data collection are that 1). the application of the study of the book of tauhid nazam aqidatul awwam brings a very good change, namely making students shake hands when meeting with the teacher, speaking politely when talking to the teacher, and seeing most of the students live around the school in congregation in mosques and say the call to prayer outside school time. 2). The obstacles that are obtained are from educators who are required to be creative in conveying the material, there are students who are not ready or not on time to participate in this study, sometimes there are students who do not enter and do not participate in this activity so that they are left behind in the material. Meanwhile, another obstacle is that there are parents who completely surrender their children's education to schools.

