Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Desain Komunikasi Visual </strong>is an open-access journal <span style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left;">published twice a year, in <strong>July and December,</strong> by the Faculty of Computer Science, Sidoarjo Nahdlatul Ulama University. Each issue contains 8 to 9 articles</span>.<br />JIKDISKOMVIS Editor invites researchers, academics, observers, and students to publish and disseminate the results of research or theoretical studies / collaborative work in Computer Science and Visual Communication and Multimedia Design. A blind review reviews the incoming journal manuscript to maintain the quality of publications.<br />JIKDISKOMVIS has been indexed by : <a href="">Sinta Kemdikbud</a>, <a title="garuda" href="">Garuda (Garba Rujukan Digital)</a>, <a title="google scholar" href=";hl=id&amp;authuser=1%20">Google Scholar</a>.<br /><strong>P-ISSN 2541-4550 E-ISSN 2541-4585</strong></p> Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo en-US Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design 2541-4550 Application of the Weighted Product Method in the Decision Support System for the Rice Aid Receipt Program <p><em>This study aims to develop an effective Decision Support System (DSS) in the process of the rice aid program. The Weighted Product (WP) method is used as the basis for decision-making to determine the receipt of rice aid. This DSS is designed to assist program organizers in selecting rice aid recipients more efficiently and objectively. The Weighted Product method is used to calculate the weight value of each criterion given by the rice aid recipient. This study's results can positively contribute to increasing efficiency and transparency in decision-making for the rice aid program. With this Weighted Product-based DSS, it is hoped that the selection process for rice aid recipients can be carried out more objectively and measurably so that the program's benefits can be more evenly distributed and targeted.</em></p> Iqbal Ramadhani Mukhlis Thomas Aquino Berno Doduk Tri Puspa Rinjeni Virdha Rahma Aulia Rafika Rahmawati Tri Luhur Indayanti Sugata Prasasti Karunia Farista Ananto Nambi Sembilu Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 9 2 476 490 10.55732/jikdiskomvis.v9i2.1120 Analysis of the Role of Visual Semiotics in Increasing Public Awareness of Anxiety Disorder Sufferers <p><em>Anxiety disorders are serious psychological conditions that are often overlooked or misunderstood by the public. To raise awareness of anxiety disorders, using visual elements such as photographs and illustrations has become a popular approach. This study used an experimental approach in which participants were exposed to informational materials about anxiety disorders in the form of photographs and illustrations. These visual elements were designed with semiotics to create clear interpretations that the wider community can directly accept. The results of this study are expected to provide better insight into the effectiveness of using visuals in raising awareness of anxiety disorders, as well as its practical implications in mental health education for the community.</em></p> Irvan Cristian Hartanto Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 9 2 466 475 10.55732/jikdiskomvis.v9i2.1207 Improving Understanding of Biome Material through 2D Illustrations: A Visual Approach in Geography Learning <p><em>Biome is one of the materials used in geography. In the biome distribution material, there is a lot of information about the natural conditions, animals, and plants of each biome type. The large amount of information and the delivery of material dominated by text can make it difficult for teenagers to remember or understand the material because they will get bored more quickly when reading text that fills the page, therefore additional instruments are needed to help deliver the material. This study aimed to show the advantages of using 2D illustrations in delivering material and is expected to encourage the creation of more enjoyable but still meaningful learning materials. Through a literature study research approach, researchers collected and analyzed data from journals on visuals with related themes, namely illustration, education, and the distribution of flora and fauna. Through this study, it can be concluded that 2D illustration is one of the media that can attract readers' attention and make readers more comfortable and easy to receive information. In addition to being a complement to information, illustrations can also make it easier for teenagers to remember the shapes of animals, plants, and the natural conditions of a biome. Researchers believe that information from the material on types of biomes can be delivered more effectively and can maintain students' interest in reading with the help of illustrations.</em></p> Jeff Minson Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 9 2 491 504 10.55732/jikdiskomvis.v9i2.1208 Design of Indramayu Berokan Arts Information Book <p><em> <span class="fontstyle0">Berokan is a typical art from Indramayu played by a person who acts as the main<br />player using a costume made of burlap as a characteristic of Berokan art. Indramayu<br />Berokan art is a cultural heritage of Indramayu which has a very important historical<br />story, especially in the spread of Islam and da'wah in the Indramayu area. Information<br />that conveys Barokan art is also still minimal, so not many people know the history of<br />Berokan. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, where the data is in the form<br />of primary data, namely direct observation of the Indramayu area and interviews with<br />Mr. Warnah the owner of the Berokan Wa'Aong studio located in Trisi Indramayu village,<br />to dig deeper into the history of Indramayu Berokan art. Documentation and observation<br />are carried out to find out the truth scientifically. Secondary data through literature<br />studies as a solution to the problem, this study designs an information book on Indramayu<br />Berokan Art aimed at the younger generation. This creation is based on the consideration<br />that information books are one of the media that are often used to obtain information,<br />and knowledge and are suitable for conveying information about Berokan art.</span> </em></p> Iis Purnengsih Widya Nuriyanti Muhamad Saefullah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 9 2 505 518 10.55732/jikdiskomvis.v9i2.1445 The Representation of Islamic Values in "Siksa Kubur" Movie Through Foucauldian Discourse Analysis <p><em>This study analyzes the Islamic values contained in the movie Siksa Kubur by Joko Anwar, which garnered four million viewers in theaters and was streamed on the OTT platform Netflix. The research adopts a qualitative approach using Foucauldian discourse analysis to explore the narrative and cinematic elements of the film as described by Himawan Pratista. The findings reveal that the film presents a discourse on Islamic values through visual and narrative representations of morality, the afterlife, and the relationship between knowledge and power. This discourse illustrates how religious values, such as the concepts of sin, punishment, and repentance, are internalized through cinematic elements such as dim lighting, eerie sound effects, and the symbolic depiction of Islamic culture. This study contributes to the body of Islamic media studies, particularly by uncovering the spiritual dimensions and the influence of religious discourse on the formation of subjectivity and moral identity in society.</em></p> Rio Febriannur Rachman Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 9 2 519 528 10.55732/jikdiskomvis.v9i2.1449 The Influence of Visual Elements on @P3SMANDIRI Instagram Feed Content in Increasing Brand Awareness <p><em>This study aims to analyze the impact of visual elements on the Instagram feed content of the @P3SMANDIRI account on increasing brand awareness using a quantitative approach. In an increasingly competitive digital marketing ecosystem, visual elements such as color, typography, layout, illustration, and graphic design are often considered important components that can shape consumer perceptions of a brand. However, there is still limited research that specifically examines how these visual elements contribute to increasing brand awareness, especially on social media platforms such as Instagram. This study was conducted by collecting data through a survey using a Likert scale as a measurement instrument. This survey was distributed to 100 respondents who were Instagram users and also followers of the @P3SMANDIRI Instagram account. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively using SPSS statistical software to map the relationship between visual elements and brand awareness. The main focus of this survey was to identify and evaluate which visual elements were the most influential in attracting user attention while encouraging increased brand awareness. The results of this study provide in-depth insights into the role of visual strategies in increasing brand awareness, showing that effective visual elements can significantly influence audience perception and engagement with a brand, and provide practical guidance for marketers in designing effective visual content on social media. The conclusions of this study highlight the importance of implementing a planned visual strategy in digital marketing activities, especially on social media such as Instagram. This study not only provides practical insights for marketers in designing effective visual content but also enriches the academic literature on the role of visual elements in building brand awareness in the social media ecosystem.</em></p> Muhamad Ilham Awaludin Sakundria Satya Murti Wardhana Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 9 2 529 544 10.55732/jikdiskomvis.v9i2.1454 Augmented Reality Technology as a Learning Media for Geography of the Earth's Layer Structure <p><em>Augmented reality</em><em> (AR) is a technology that can integrate virtual objects into the real world and combine the two to create a combined space that is then projected in real-time. The application of augmented reality technology in education provides an innovation in creating learning media, especially in the subject of geography of the earth's layer structure for class X at MA Mamba'ul Ulum Bedanten which has so far been carried out with conventional learning media. The purpose of this study is to use AR technology as an interesting and interactive teaching method and can increase students' desire to study the geography of the earth's layer structure material. The method used in this study is the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) method with the waterfall model. The testing method used is the black box method with functional suitability and probability aspects. This application was created using two software, namely Blender and Unity. The results of the study are in the form of a learning media application for the geography of the earth's layer structure by implementing augmented reality technology. There are two stages of testing, namely (1) system testing including the ar Play menu button, material button, information button, and exit button; and (2) testing on users of 23 class X students of MA Mamba'ul Ulum Bedanten. The results of the AR application system testing of the earth's layer structure can function well according to the planning and testing of users showed that 18% strongly agreed, 78% agreed, and 4% strongly disagreed that the existence of learning media by implementing AR technology can increase student activity and enthusiasm in learning the material on the earth's layer structure.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> Hermanto Wafiyatul Bariroh Muhammad Ajir Muzakki Ade Hendi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 9 2 545 559 10.55732/jikdiskomvis.v9i2.1458 Logo Design as a Visual Identity for the Semarang "OLSEN" Coffee Shop <p><em>“OLSEN” is a very new coffee shop in Semarang. This design aims to visualize the identity of the “OLSEN” coffee shop. The logo design is based on a unique selling proposition (USP), which is elaborated with the business development concept: a coffee shop with a family feel. In identifying the USP, the qualitative descriptive analysis method of strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T) or SWOT is used. The data used is primary data collected through interviews and observations. Starting from the basis of the USP, the logo developed is a type of logotype with a choice of bold San Serif capital letters and an orange color choice. The logo is made minimalist to give a light, homey, and friendly impression. The logo is added with the slogan "Caffeine Supply" to give a unique and contemporary impression and is not generic. The minimalist logo design was chosen because the “OLSEN” coffee shop is a coffee shop that has not been operating for long, so the logo is expected to make it easier for consumers to remember the “OLSEN” coffee shop.</em></p> Frederik Prasidya Prakasita Dwi Puji Prabowo Agus Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design 2024-12-24 2024-12-24 9 2 560 575 10.55732/jikdiskomvis.v9i2.1462 Cosplay Educational Comic Design for Young Generation in Indonesia <p><em> Cosplay (</em><em>コスプレ</em><em>, kosupure) is an act in which someone imitates the identity or character of an anime, comic, cartoon, or another famous character by wearing clothes, hats, wigs, shoes, and other accessories. The development of cosplay as pop culture in Indonesia provides many opportunities for ordinary people, especially teenagers, to start this hobby. However, there are still many beginner teenagers and ordinary people who do not have the resources to start cosplay. Therefore, designing comics as an educational medium to start cosplay is very much needed so that beginners can get direction and get the essence of cosplay in it. The method used in this design is qualitative descriptive and phenomenology with professional cosplayers, the Surabaya cosplay community (COSURA), and also comic artist Kang Cilok. The results of this study are expected to provide education on how to start a cosplay hobby for beginners in an entertaining way and can be used as a reference for the development of further educational comics.</em></p> Glennesha Geneviene Irwan Harnoko Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Computer Science and Visual Communication Design 2024-12-24 2024-12-24 9 2 576 588 10.55732/jikdiskomvis.v9i2.1435